This again arranged by the school and was a tour for the partners and children of the teachers at JIS (Jerudong International School). The boat ride consisted of a tour of the water village and also to see if we could spot any proboscis monkeys. It was a beautiful day and the boat ride was just amazing. I really wasn’t expecting to see anything to be honest and really was just enjoying the boat ride. But we pulled up and saw about 4 monkeys in the trees! I was gob smacked! I tried to take pictures but the stupid camera kept dying on me. I think it was due to the humidity but I got a few blurry shots. I also got to see a monitor lizard and we thought we saw a crocodile but it did look very much like a floating log so I wasn’t too sure!
Excited Yusuf
Our boat
The Water Village
Montor lizard!!

Excited Yusuf

Our boat

The Water Village

Montor lizard!!
Monitor lizard again!!
I think these are called Mangrove trees. They were just amazing. The roots were huge.
Proboscis Monkey!
The Sultans Palace
1 comment:
wow!!! monkeys!!! you have found your home land!!!
d+m are uber uber impressed and are very jealous, reminds them of pakistan!
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