Tuesday 9 November 2010

Another Island hopping adventure

This was another Island hopping adventure with Jacky. She had found a disused coal mine so we thought we'd go check it out. It was a good way to spend a morning.

The nice thing about this Island was there were a lot of people living here and roads and footpaths so we really got to see how the locals lived. They were very friendly and waved hello. The children were so beautiful and would run after us, laughing. It was a really nice walk and I really enjoyed the day.

Inside the coal mine:

The view at the top of the glorious Borneo rainforest and mangrove trees:

It was pretty much the same as the last Island hopping trip but its nice to be able to get out of the apartment and spend time outside other than in a rainforest or doing bukhit. We were quite outdoorsy people in the UK and loved our country side walks and felt slightly trapped here because it was just so hot. This year I think we have finally acclimatised because although it is hot, its not unbearable. We will be doing more trips like these in the future. Something different for Brunei!

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