Saturday 26 December 2009

What we did on Christmas Day..........(apart from trying to bloody skype all day!)

Hope you all had a good Christmas!

It was very different for us as it was sunny!! We really did miss the cold and the snow but with the hot weather here- we can't really complain!

Anyways this is what we got up to.......

Woke up to a teary eyed Yusuf who said 'father christmas didn't come last night!" and me thinking 'oh god how do we explain this one?' But it was OK and i kinda rescued the situation cus he then said 'he didnt leave a present on the BED' and I had to explain to him that father christmas couldn't come to his room in case you woke up and saw him so he left the presents under the tree and all was good and well again........and we opened our presents happily knowing they came from santa (even though Yusuf had actually seen us pay for his presents at toys r us....)

(A very very excited boy)

(Cant seem to escape from the plastic guns- this one came with a plastic knife too!)

Played some dominoes with Yusuf.......

(Zaheer doing a typical dad thing at xmas)

Then we watched this film at the Empire Cinema.....

and then i started what should have been an incredibly easy xmas meal as there was only the 3 of us but problems started when (a) i realised i had bought far too much food and (b) there was no way it was all gonna fit in our tiny electric oven. So after 3 hours of panic and sweat (sweat due to the humidity as there are no air cons in the kitchen!!!) i managed to produce a decent xmas roast chicken, potatoes and veg. It was very good. And then I went to sleep as it was all too much. I am thinking next year we may just go to the Yacht club and have the xmas meal there.......

On boxing day some friends of ours had organised a footy kickabout/ice cream at the school field so we went along to that. It was a really nice way of spending christmas.....

Next posts will be about KK trip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww cool! my nephew is growing up alot!!

got the song also, made us laugh alot, especially considering that he did'nt know the words...LOL!!