I know its been a while since the last post but with it being a very long term (8 weeks) and no holidays, we haven't really gone anywhere. That isn't to say we haven't done a lot- just not stuff that I think would be worth blogging about.
We've been going to Bukhit a lot to keep fit (Zaheer is a machine- soooo not fun trying to keep up with him on 9 bloody hills!), swimming at school, having dinners with friends, eating out loads at the Indian restaurant Lotus (its just so tasty!) so its all been good.
(My mouth waters everytime I see this picture- stir fried prawns in chilli sauce- drooooool)
We are also getting very excited about going back to the UK soon- 7 weeks to go!! To be honest we don't know where the time has gone. When we first arrived it was so scary to think we weren't going to be seeing our family and friends from the UK for a whole year and it is very hard to cope with but Christmas seems like the biggest hurdle- once you're over that time just seems to fly and before you know it you're in May!
So since the last update:
Yusuf (you can always rely on him to fill up the blogging pages!) took part in Athletics day.
It was a really fun day (although very long) and they did four different activities- running, sack race, throwing and relay. Yusuf tried very hard and did well in all of them. Red house and (Ithink- I'm really not sure!!) Yellow house came joint first so Yusuf was happy and so was Zaheer who is head of Red house.
Yusuf had his school pictures taken.
School pictures are school pictures- none of the kids smile like they do normally and the parents are thinking 'W.T.F- but its not me and we'll buy it anyway and display them around the house to embarrass the living daylights out of them when they're teenagers and bring their 'cool' friends around' but we've all been there! Here's me with my brother:
(the concentration in trying to smile- its too much!)
I blame (1) my mum for the clothes (the waistcoat! My brother had some cool denim thing going on! WHY mum, why???) and the hair and (2) the photographer. If you inspect the picture closely you will see my brother (though not as seriously as me) trying to do the exact same smile/grin/scary face/lady gaga show me your teeth look, as me therefore the photographer MUST have told us to do that and us being Pakistanis who didn't know how to smile because god forbid we did in pictures (if your a Pakistani, from my family, you will know what I am talking about!), blindly followed him. And no I didn't show Zaheer this before we got married because I think he wanted ok looking children so I showed him one of me as a baby with rosy cheeks but then my evil sister showed one of the dreaded teenage years (evil evil sister!) and I think there was some serious thinking going on in Zaheers head (after the initial 'gah! who/what the hell is this!?)
We bought a mini tree.
No gardens as we live in an apartment and I always wanted a tree (in the garden) so we bought this. I love it. Even the birds get confused with it and try to sit on it and build little nests. Its cute watching them fail.
And finally, I'm going to leave you with this comic from my favourite website ever- Explosm.net. These guys are so incredibly funny and I aspire to be like them one day......and fail miserably
Hope you have a random HAPPY day!!